This is the bit wherein I talk about what the fuck I am

an excercise in self-reflection

Hi, I'm Leemo.
I made this site after reading this essay by CJ the X.This is a place for me to dump whatever I want to put into the world online. I consider myself quite multifaceted, and I tend to pick up the most random interests, so please forgive me if this site seems incoherent. Some things I like(in no particular order) include: movies, music, books, video games, board and card and TTRPG games, graphic design, architecture, public infrastructure, roller coasters, sociology, philosophy, religion, video essays, storytelling, just generally all art and rooibos.

I also have friends, I swear;
I can't convince my other friends to set up a website, but I'll put their pages up here once I've finally convinced them that instagram is evil.